within an ace of something
- within an ace of something
- within an ace of something/doing something
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Her ambition to star in a musical is within an ace of being fulfilled following talks with a West End producer.
We were within an ace of calling you, but we'd lost your phone number.
Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов.
Смотреть что такое "within an ace of something" в других словарях:
within an ace of something doing something — within an ace of sth/of doing sth idiom (BrE) very close to sth • We came within an ace of victory. Main entry: ↑aceidiom … Useful english dictionary
be within an ace of something — be within an ace of (something/doing something) come within an ace of (something/doing something) to almost achieve something. Her ambition to star in a musical is within an ace of being (= is almost) fulfilled following talks with a West End… … New idioms dictionary
come within an ace of something — come within an ace of (something/doing something) to almost achieve something. Linford Christie came within an ace of the world indoor record for the 100m last night … New idioms dictionary
within an ace of doing something — phrase almost doing something, or nearly succeeding in doing it He came within an ace of winning the championship. Thesaurus: almost and almost notsynonym Main entry: ace … Useful english dictionary
within an ace of of doing something — within an ace of sth/of doing sth idiom (BrE) very close to sth • We came within an ace of victory. Main entry: ↑aceidiom … Useful english dictionary
within an ace of — phrasal : on the point of : very near to within an ace of hitting a telephone pole * * * within an ace of Within a hair s breadth of • • • Main Entry: ↑ace * * * very close to they came within an ace of death * * * within an a … Useful english dictionary
within an ace of (doing) something — mod. very close to doing something. □ I came within an ace of getting stoned. □ We were within an ace of beating the all time record … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
within an ace of doing something — almost doing something, or nearly succeeding in doing it He came within an ace of winning the championship … English dictionary
be within an ace of doing something — be within an ace of (something/doing something) come within an ace of (something/doing something) to almost achieve something. Her ambition to star in a musical is within an ace of being (= is almost) fulfilled following talks with a West End… … New idioms dictionary
be within an ace of — (something/doing something) come within an ace of (something/doing something) to almost achieve something. Her ambition to star in a musical is within an ace of being (= is almost) fulfilled following talks with a West End producer … New idioms dictionary
come within an ace of doing something — come within an ace of (something/doing something) to almost achieve something. Linford Christie came within an ace of the world indoor record for the 100m last night … New idioms dictionary